A light, fresh, and cool dessert.Easy Recipe,Perfect for Parties.

Here is the image of the Dreamwhip whipped topping mix packet

  • 2 Envelopes Dream whip Whipped topping mix
  • 1 tin Nestle cream
  • 1 tin Fruit Cocktail or fresh fruits of your choice
  • 10 Bread slices
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Water
  • Beat the dream whip whipped topping mix and nestle cream and set aside.
  • Prepare the Sugar syrup-Take a saucepan and boil the water and sugar until the sugar dissolves completely and keep aside.
  • Take 10 slices of bread and cut all the brown sides of bread and cut into small cubes.
  • Now dip each bread cube into the sugar syrup and place it in the flat glass dish and then pour a layer of beaten dreamwhip on bread and then put some fruit cocktail.
  • Next form the second layer by placing the bread cubes dipped in sugar syrup ,then pour the dreamwhip and then top it with fruit cocktails.
  • Refrigerate for 4-5 hours and Serve chilled.
  • Enjoy the dessert:)